Braxton Leather Sofa Chaise Sectional – Brompton Cocoa
This beautiful Braxton Sofa Chase Sectional was just recently installed in Rapid City, South Dakota. This customer selected Italian Brompton Cocoa for the leather, opted to have the sofa portion made in a single “bench” cushion, and to have “no ears” on the back cushions (no ears hanging over the arm on each “end” back cushion)
Initially our client was considering the optional sleeper sofa to be added the sofa portion, but after discussion with us, and considering the infrequency that someone would sleep for any significant amount of time on the sofa, she opted to have us make a leather cocktail ottoman, sized just right to create one large space when pushed up against the sofa and the chaise. We even added some retractable connectors to hold it in place when used this way.
All in all, the team here had a good time with the order and we’re thrilled that this customer got just what she wanted!
Configure your own Braxton Leather Sofa Chaise Sectional here:
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